Fri Oct 25, 8:00 PM
Fri Oct 25, 8:00 PM
Sat Oct 26, 7:30 PM
Sat Oct 26, 7:30 PM
Sun Oct 27, 4:00 PM
Fri Nov 1, 8:00 PM
Sat Nov 2, 7:30 PM

Constitution for the Tiger Hills Hockey League

FORMED: October 6, 1982
INCORPORATED: March 31, 1988
AMENDED: October 6, 1998
FURTHER AMENDED: October 1, 2002
FURTHER AMENDED: October 2, 2006

FURTHER AMMENDED: September 19, 2016

UPDATED and AMMENDED Tuesday October 6 , 2020



Whereas the Tiger Hills Hockey League Inc. (THHL) is a voluntary organization which consists of members and individuals who actively participate in the operation of an Amateur Senior Hockey League in the south – central region of Manitoba.

And whereas it is declared that all disputes and rulings are to be handled solely by the THHL Governing Body in direct accordance with this Constitution and By-laws. Therefore there can be no Civil Court action against the THHL or their officers by the THHL, their officers or their member teams or representatives.

And whereas it is declared that one of the purposes of this Constitution shall be to confer upon the THHL and its Governing Body, all the powers of a fully self governing organization.

NOW THEREFORE be it enacted:

ARTICLE 1:              LEAGUE NAME

1.1   The name of the league shall be known as the Tiger Hills Hockey League, Incorporated (hereinafter called the “THHL”)



2.1   The THHL shall have jurisdiction over league matters, including membership, league dues and fees, rules and regulations, and other on / off ice activities.


2.2   The THHL shall be a member of Hockey Manitoba.



2.3   The THHL will solely handle all disputes and rulings in accordance with its constitution, by-laws, rules and regulations. No Civil Court action can be taken against the THHL or its officers by its member teams or representatives.


2.4   Where the provisions of this Constitution, By-Laws, and Regulations are inconsistent with the Constitution, By-Laws, and Regulations of Hockey Canada and Hockey Manitoba, the Constitutions, By-laws and Regulations of Hockey Canada and Hockey Manitoba shall prevail.


3.1   The officers of the league shall comprise of the following:  President / Commissioner, Vice-President, Referee-in-Chief, Secretary-Treasurer, and Statistician, together with one representative from each of the teams in good standing to form an executive committee.


3.2 The President / Commissioner and Vice-President shall be elected or appointed by the delegates of the teams comprising the league. Each team shall have one voting delegate. This selection is to take place at the Spring Annual Meeting. These officers shall hold office for a term of one year, but may be eligible for re-election or appointment after said term expires. The Referee-in-Chief, Statistician and Secretary-Treasurer shall be appointed through negotiations by the President and Executive Committee.

3.3 League officers shall be entitled to free admission to any exhibition, league or playoff game in any arena in the league. They will be entitled to mileage for any game they attend on league business and will be compensated at the mileage rate designated by Hockey Manitoba. League officers will be paid an honorarium with the amount to be designated at the beginning of the season.

3.4 The President / Commissioner with the assistance of the Executive Committee shall have full power to enforce the rules and regulations governing all THHL competitions including the conduct of the clubs and their players.




****( combined the President and Commissioner duties into one heading )

PRESIDENT / Commissioner:
- shall call and preside at all meetings.
- shall implement the Tiger Hills Constitution, By-Laws and Regulations as well as contacting Hockey Manitoba (Chair of Male Senior Hockey) regarding suspensions involving Match and Gross Misconduct Penalties.
- shall be responsible for all areas of league operation in cooperation with the executive committee. He / she shall have the authority to deal with, fine or suspend any team, player, coach, manager, or other team personnel for infractions of the rules and regulations within the Constitution / Rules and Regulations of the THHL.=
- shall not serve in any capacity with any league member.
- shall not have a vote at league meetings unless a tie vote situation requires such.
- shall be the spokesperson of the league.
- shall ensure all league officer positions are filled.
- shall represent the THHL league at Hockey Manitoba / Hockey Canada meetings and functions.

-Shall work with the Referee in Chief to ensure consistency in officiating.

****( specified the current duties of the Vice President ) 

- shall assume presidential duties when president is unavailable.
- shall assume any other duties as assigned by the President ( such as responsibility of League / teams rosters and scheduling )
- shall be involved in decisions made by executive committee.
-will exclude him / herself from any decisions that can be perceived as a conflict of interest


- shall attend all meetings.
- shall be responsible for assigning officials for all league and playoff games.
- shall be league liaison with Hockey Manitoba referee-in-chief.
- shall attempt to cooperate with schedule changes to provide best officiating possible.
- shall report to the League President any on/off ice activities that require review.


-shall attend all meetings and when unavailable to attend, he shall assign the responsibilities to another individual.
- shall be responsible for recording the minutes of all meetings and for the distribution of them to all members.
-  shall be responsible for receiving all monies of the league and deposit the same in a financial institution as specified by the THHL.
-shall pay all accounts of the league and is to keep a record of these transactions.
- shall prepare and have ready for presentation to the governing body, a financial statement for not only the annual meeting but at the request of the governing body on any other occasion.

****( indicated the League Statistician to attend League meetings if possible )  

- if possible shall attend all meetings.
- shall be responsible for obtaining and keeping track of all stats for both regular season games and playoff games.
- shall be responsible for keeping the media supplied with current and updated material. (Standings, scoring stats, goal tenders, etc.)



5.1 Meetings of the Governing Body may be called by the THHL President at any time and place designated by him / her. A minimum of seven (7) days notice shall be given all Board (team ) members with respect to the holding of a meeting. A meeting may be held without notice if all organizations are present and unanimously agree to waive the formal requirements of seven (7) days notice.

****( dates of Spring and Fall meetings—added “if at all possible”)

5.2 The AGM of the League shall be held in the Spring and if at all possible no later than April 30 and the Semi-Annual Meeting shall be held in the Fall and if at all possible no later than September 30.

5.3 Each member, in good standing, of the Governing Board, excluding the Executive, shall have one vote. The exception to this By-Law occurs in the case of a tie vote at which time the President shall cast the tie-breaking vote.

5.4 Notice of all meetings of the THHL shall be sent by the President via email to each member entitled to attend said meetings. Said member has 48 hours to advise the President whether he / she shall be able to attend. Failure to do so will consider the member to be attending and leave them subject to a fine of $100 ( one hundred dollars ) in the event they or another representative fail to attend.

5.5 At all meetings of the Members, each matter shall be decided by a majority of votes of the members who are in attendance in person at the meeting, unless the Constitution or any other By-Law requires otherwise.

5.6 Proxy votes shall not be accepted and shall not be counted.

5.7 the vote to decide a matter shall be conducted by a show of hands. However, should any Member in attendance in person at the meeting , prior to a showing of hands on any matter, demand that the vote on such matter be conducted by written ballot, then such a vote shall be so conducted.

5.8 Results of any type of vote will be verbally declared by the President and duly recorded by the Secretary in the minutes of the meeting, which when recorded, shall be deemed to have fully and sufficiently disposed of the matter.

5.9 Minutes—It shall be understood those minutes of the AGM pertaining to the Constitution of the THHL form part of the Constitution.



6.1 Any team wanting to join the THHL must apply at the Spring AGM or the Fall Semi-Annual Meeting.

6.2 Presentations must be made by teams requesting entry and at the completion of the presentation the accredited teams will be permitted to conduct a question and answer period. At the completion of this exercise a vote will be taken.

6.3 All new entries must be accepted by a 75% (seventy-five per cent ) majority vote of the fully accredited delegates of the teams within the league. All new entries will be on probation for one season and at the completion of the season must receive final approval by a 75% (seventy-five percent) majority.

6.4 All new entries accepted into the THHL must pay all League bonds, fees, and dues before being granted voting privileges

6.5 In the event of a new entry failing to comply with any requirements of this Constitution, By-Laws and Regulations, or the league governing body, a new member shall be subjected to forfeiture, suspension or termination at any point of the probation period.



7.1 The amount of the Annual Fee will be decided by the teams at the semi-annual meeting in September. Teams will have until December 1 to submit their fee to the League Treasurer. Failure to do so will possibly result in a $100 (one hundred dollar) fine.

7.2 East team shall post with the Treasurer a $500 (five hundred dollar) Performance Bond. This bond is to be reviewed at the AGM. The bond will be forwarded to the League’s Trust Account.

7.3 Any team later than 15 (fifteen) minutes beyond the scheduled starting time, or failing to play all its scheduled games could be required to forfeit all or part of their bond.

7.4 If the bond or part of the bond is pulled, the bond must be re-posted to the League within 24 hours of being notified or prior to the next League game. All points are forfeited until the bond is paid in full.

7.5 A team must submit their protest in writing, or by email to the League within 24 hours of the completion of the game: a $200 (two hundred dollar) protest fee shall be taken from the teams bond and the team is to replenish the bond within 7 (seven) days of the fee being taken. If the protest is upheld, the fee will be returned to the team involved. Otherwise, the fee will be retained by the League.



****( Player registration use to be handled by the Hockey Manitoba Office—now it is the responsibility of each league—so I have added “League Registrar” to indicate our League handles the player / team registration and forwards such to the Hockey Manitoba office )


8.1 All teams must submit their team roster to the League Registrar no later than 24 (twenty-four) hours prior to their first League game.

8.2 Each member team shall be permitted to have no more than 25 (twenty-five) players on their roster at any given time, 2 (two) of which must be goaltenders.

8.3 It is the individual Team’s responsibility to ensure a player has been properly registered prior to him participating in a league game. Failure to comply could result in an automatic game forfeiture and a $100 (one hundred dollar) fine.

8.4 Additions / deletions to rosters must be submitted to the League Registrar before any game involving personnel changes.

8.5 Final rosters, consisting of a maximum 25 (twenty-five) players, including 2 (two) goaltenders, must be submitted to the League Registrar by 12;00 pm on January 15 each year. No changes to the roster will be permitted after 12; 00pm January 15.

8.6 Affiliation list consisting of ten (10) skaters and a minimum of one (1) goaltender must be submitted to the League Registrar by 12;00 pm on January 15 each yea.

8.7 teams can only affiliate in accordance with Hockey Canada / Manitoba Rules.

8.8 Any player being released or transferred from another team must obtain a written release by January 10. If a release in the proper manner is not deemed to have been obtained, the player will be ineligible to play in the THHL.

8.9 Failure to follow the proper procedures or meet deadlines could result in the player being ineligible to play in the THHL for the balance of the season, including the play-offs.8.10 All players must play 7 (seven) league games to be eligible for the post season. The only exception is affiliated players and players who have been granted a Medical Exemption.

8.11 Whenever a player is affected by the above rule due to sickness or injury, the player can appeal to the President. The appeal must be accompanied by a Doctor’s certificate and must be filed and approved prior to the play-offs.

8.12 Any coach, trainer, safety, or equipment personnel shall be allowed on the bench as long as he / she is properly registered with Hockey Manitoba through the League Registrar.


ARTICLE 9:              GAMES


9.2 It is the responsibility of the home team to supply the pucks for warm-ups.

9.3 Teams are to wear white sweaters at home and dark sweaters for away games.

9.4 The responsibility lies on the teams of the THHL to report any Constitution violations to the Executive of the THHL.

9.5 A game can be started if either team does not have the required ten (10) players listed on the game sheet. In the event ten (10) players have not participated by the end of the game, the team will be fined $200 (two hundred dollars) for the first offence and will lose their bond for all subsequent offences. The fine will be awarded to the competing team to a maximum of $200 (two hundred dollars). In the event of a goaltender being late, he shall be allowed a five minute (5) warm-up.

9.6 Overtime, consisting of one (1) five minute (5) sudden victory period, with each team using three (3) skaters, will be played during the regular season. This overtime shall immediately follow a two minute v(2) rest at the conclusion of the third period with teams retaining the same end of the rink. A team will receive one point for a tie if the game is lost in overtime.

9.7 If still tied after five minutes (5), a shoot-out shall take place. Three (3) shooters from each team shall be reported to the referee. They shall shoot in turn with the home team having the option of shooting first or second. If still tied after three (3) shooters, a sudden death format shall take place. When a sudden death shoot-out format is required, each team will have an equal number of scoring opportunities. The original three (3) shooters from each team are not eligible to shoot again until each player on the bench has had a shot. Shoot-out scoring shall not be counted in player statistics. Two (2) points shall be awarded for the shoot-out win and one (1) point for a shoot-out loss.

9.8 Overtime, consisting of twenty (20) minute sudden victory periods, will be played during the playoffs until such time as a winner has been determined. A resurfacing shall precede all overtime play.

9.9 If a game is cancelled due to weather / special conditions, notice must be given, if at all possible, by 4:00 pm on game day to the Referee in Chief, the President, the opposing team, and the media.

9.10 If a team wishes to postpone a game for a reason other than weather or death (immediate family of a player or coach) then the team must have agreement from the opposition team and the League President, if at all possible, at least 72 hours prior to game time. The team wishing to postpone must contact all media to inform the public about the postponement. Teams failing to report to the Referee in Chief and the President could be fined a minimum of $100 (one hundred dollars).

9.11 games that are postponed or cancelled must be rescheduled within three (3) days and played before the end of the regular season schedule. Only the home team is allowed to re-schedule games.

9.12 Each team shall make it known to their fans that there is no abuse of players, coaches, team executive, or officials at the rink. It is the home team’s responsibility to deal with bothersome fans and the referee has the authority to stop the game until the matter is taken care of.

9.13 Teams are responsible for the behavior of their players and fans at all times. The onus for damage to a dressing room etc will be solely on that team. The restitution cost will be on the team and a suspension (if the person is a player or team executive) will also be implemented.

9.14 In the event of ties in the League standings at season’s end the following criteria will be used to determine the final placing:

First tiebreaker—team with highest winning percentage.

Second tiebreaker—winner of the season series between the tied teams.

****( indicating that the four man referee system is preferred )

9.15 If at all possible the referring system used shall be the four person system during the regular season and playoffs. Local linesmen are to be used whenever possible during the regular season.

9.16 All referee fees are to be paid to the officials by the home team after the completion of the second period of the game.

9.17 Reimbursement of expenses will be determined by the Governing Body at the semiannual meeting in September.



10.1 The THHL playoff structure shall be determined at the semi-annual meeting in September.

10.2 The length of each playoff round shall be determined at the semi-annual meeting in September.

10.3 The date that the rounds have to be completed by will be determined by the President in consultation with the Vice President. The dates and times of games will be established by the teams involved prior to the start of the series.

****( the current practice is the winner of the Tiger Hills Hockey League will represent the THHL in the hockey Manitoba Senior A Championship )

10.4 The winner of the THHL will represent the League at Hockey Manitoba’s Senior A Championship.



11.1   10 (TEN) Minute Misconduct—accumulation of 3 (three) will result in a 1 (one) game suspension. Suspensions will be doubled with each additional misconduct penalty.[ E.g.; Fourth 10 (ten) misconduct penalty equals 2 (two) game suspension.]

11.2   GAME MISCONDUCT—accumulation of two game Misconduct penalties will result in a minimum 1 (one) game suspension. Suspension will double with each additional such penalty. This excludes game misconducts received for fighting majors as they are covered under the “Instigator and Aggressor Guidelines” of the Hockey Manitoba Constitution, Regulations, and Rules of Competition.

****( indicating that all Gross and Match penalties are ruled upon by Hockey Manitoba’s Chair of Senior Male Hockey )

11.3 GROSS MISCONDUCT and MATCH PENALTIES—suggested minimum suspensions for these infractions are ruled on by Hockey Manitoba (Chair of Senior Male Hockey). The President shall have the authority to extend any suspension handed down by Hockey Manitoba BUT cannot lesson (weaken) the Hockey Manitoba decision.

11.4 Any team involved in an altercation where players leave the bench to participate-as determined by the referee—shall be fined a minimum of $100 (one hundred dollars) per individual to a maximum of $500 (five hundred dollars) per team.

11.5   In regular season play, any player with a total penalty minutes of 100 (one hundred) will receive a 1 (one) game suspension, as well as two additional game suspensions for each 25 additional minutes of consecutive penalties. These suspensions will be served in the following regularly scheduled or playoff scheduled game.

11.6   CHECK from BEHIND / HEAD CHECK / HIGH HIT (minor penalties)---accumulation of 2 (two) is a 1 (one) game suspension.

11.7   FIGHTING—accumulation of3 (three)—is an 1 (one) game suspension. Suspension doubles with EACH ADDITIONAL fighting major penalty.

11.8   if any player receives any additional game misconducts from Hockey Manitoba as a result of accumulating game misconducts in one game, the League will recognize the assessed game misconducts by the game official for suspension proposed by the League.



**PLAYER REGULAR SEASON STATISTICS (PENALTY AND SCORING) ARE CLEARED ONCE THE REGULAR SEASON ENDS. However—if a player is presently serving a suspension, and the regular season ends, such suspension carries into the playoffs until such suspension is served in its entirety.

12.1   Ten (10) Minute Misconduct—as per Article 11.1

12.2   Game Misconduct—as per Article 11.2

12.3   Gross Misconduct and Match Penalties—as per Article 11.3

12.4   Articles 11.4, 116, 11.7, and 11.8 are all applicable to the playoff misconducts and suspensions.


 ****( under the existing constitution / regulations this section was recorded as Article 12 but is actually Article 13 )


****( just to clarify the THHL Constitution cannot weaken the rules of Hockey Manitoba )

13.1 Hockey Manitoba rules will govern all games in the League and playoffs except as per changes in the THHL Constitution. NOTE::: The THHL Constitution cannot weaken the rules set out by HOCKEY BMANITOBA.

13.2   All league suspensions must be served in the THHL games and playoffs.

13.3 Suspended players can be listed on the game sheet and designated (SP). SP indicates the player is to be  given credit for missing the game. Suspended players cannot participate, be in or near the player’s bench , dressing room, or take part in pre or post game on ice activities. The team coach / manager is ultimately responsible for the suspended player.

13.4   Suspensions as a result of infractions in Provincials or Allan Cup competition will apply to league games as well.

13.5   Accumulated game misconducts from the same game must be served in the player’s next game / games. In other words, a player receiving two (2) game misconducts in the same stoppage of play is automatically suspended for the next game. (Hockey Manitoba guidelines)

13.6   All suspensions incurred during the regular season including playoffs—which are not completed by the end of the season—will be carried over to the start of the next THHL season. A list of such suspended players shall be submitted to Hockey Manitoba by the League President.



14.1   game sheets shall be in duplicate and completed in black ink. The top copy goes to the home team and the second copy to the visiting team.

****( current practice is to email or text game results ----not Fax )

14.2   Game sheets must be emailed / text to both the League Statistician and President within 2 (two) hours of game completion. Failure to do so could result in a $50 (fifty dollar ) fine.

14.3   Game results must be sent to the various league media within one (1) hour of the completion of the game. It is the responsibility of the HOME TEAM to make the contact.

14.4   An altered or tampered game sheet could result in both a fine and a suspension. This is a very serious offence and will be handled as such.

14.5   Statistics of all games will be kept by the League Statistician. It will be his / her responsibility to maintain the League Website as well as to keep the teams and media informed on a regular basis.



15.1   The THHL Championship trophy shall be awarded to the League Playoff winner.

15.2    The Blaine Jarvis memorial Trophy will be presented to the MVP of the THHL Playoffs.

15.3    A Championship Banner will be presented to the winner of the League playoffs.

15.4    Teams are responsible for all league trophies awarded to their team or their players. Damaged or lost trophies will be entirely at the expense of the team that had the trophy in their care.